Introducing: the Big Brother Blogger Award!

Hi there, fellow readers! Some exciting news: July marks my six month blogversary!! As of July 16, I’ve officially been blogging for six months! I’ve seen a few of my fellow bloggers celebrate their blogversary by making blog advice posts, and originally I was going to do the same, but it seems that most of the advice I would give has already been said. Plus, despite the fact that I’ve been blogging for months now, I’m still learning new tricks to make my blog as good as it can be, so it just felt weird to be giving advice when I feel I’m still learning myself.

So, I’ve decided to create a new award, instead: The Big Brother Blogger Award! This award is for those bloggers who’ve inspired me as a blogger, whether it was the style of their blog, their posts giving me new ideas and jump-starting my own creativity, or just being an all-around kind, amazing blogger who makes the blogging community so welcoming.

So, without any further ado:

The Rules:

  • Share the link of the blogger who nominated you, and link back to their blog
  • Answer the award questions and the question from the person who nominated you
  • Nominate up to five bloggers who’ve inspired you in your blogging journey
  • Add a question to the five award questions for your nominees to answer

Award Questions:

  • What’s the main focus of your blog, and why did you start blogging?
  • What’s your favorite social media platform beyond your blog?
  • What’s your favorite thing about your blog?
  • What’s the best thing about blogging so far?
  • If you had to give one piece of advice to new bloggers, what would it be?
  • (My question)- What was your childhood dream job?

I Tag You

As always, there’s no pressure actually do the post; this is just a way for me to say how appreciative I am of some of the blogs/bloggers I’ve been able to interact with so far.

Sophie @ Blame Chocolate Zuky @ BookBum / Shanah @ Bionic Bookworm 

Mandy @ Princess Reviews

I could probably give this award to a whole bunch of people, but these lovely ladies were the bloggers I was following from the very beginning and are constantly being super amazing!

Thanks for reading!


16 thoughts on “Introducing: the Big Brother Blogger Award!

  1. OMG, thank you so much for tagging me in this one!! You’re such a sweetheart, I love your blog! This is such an awesome blogger award post! I love that’s it’s all about our own blogs and could help newer bloggers too! I look forward to doing this one! I’ll do it soon 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. First of all, happy blogiversary!! 😀 Six months… That’s a lot, if you think about it! Time flies, though. I hope you’ve been enjoying the ride so far ❤
    Secondly, THANK YOU SO MUCH T_T You are so, so sweet, I don't even have the words right now… I'm really happy you've thought of me, means a lot! I hope you continue to be your amazing self as well and I wish you all the best in your blogging journey ❤ Our community sure is awesome and welcoming 😊
    I'll try to get my post up soon but I've been a bit behind on tags… We'll see. Thanks again!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Omigosh, I love this, Ryann! This is such a fun tag and award. I loved, loved, loved your questions. It’s so unique from other awards out there, and I think that it’s so cool. It’s more of an inside scoop of each blog, and I loved it. Thank you so very much for thinking of me, and I canNOT wait to do this tag! ❤ Thanks so much again, and wonderful, wonderful post! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

    • Aaw! Thank you! I figured if these are blogs people look up to, we should hear a little bit about their blogging habits! And I couldn’t make an award for amazing blogs without thinking of yours!

      Liked by 1 person

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