My Favorite Posts of October!

This post is couple days late, I know. I hope you’ll all forgive me. I just got a new job (which I am SUPER excited about!), and that last week has been full of meetings and last-minute interviews and paperwork, so I feel like I’m a little behind on everything.

But these awesome people definitely deserve a shout-out for their awesome work, so I figured, better late than never!

So, without any further ado, my favorite October posts!

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Tuesday Tidbit #13- Be genuine in the comments!

Happy Tuesday every one! I hope you’re all having the best day possible!

Today’s Tidbit came about because of a lot of advice posts I’ve seen this past week, and some blogging experiences over the past few weeks. So many people have mentioned that the best way to grow your blog is to engage with other bloggers: like posts, leave comments, etc. I’ve also seen a couple people say that blog comments should be returned; if someone comments on my post, I should leave a comment on theirs.

While none of this is necessarily bad advice, I think it can lead to some bad comments. People can tell if you’re leaving a comment as a way to be seen, or as part of some checklist. And, as much as I appreciate blog traffic, it feels crummy when it seems like the only reason someone visits your blog is to fulfill part of their checklist list.

So if you’re looking to comment on another blog, for whatever reason, make sure you stay genuine about it. There’s a person behind the blog who’s taking their time and energy to read and respond to your comments, so make it seem like it’s more than just a check in your to-do list.

Thanks for reading!


Tuesday Tidbits #12- Categories vs Tags

Happy Tuesday to all you awesome people!I hope you all had an awesome weekend!

For today’s Tidbit, I want to talk about something that confused me to no end when I was a new blogger: Categories and Tags. So if you’ve ever been confused about when to use a category vs a tag, then this is the Tidbit for you!

Basically, both Categories and Tags help your blog get noticed. Categories are meant for broad organization, and tags are supposed to get more specific. The idea is that Categories give people the general idea of your blog; so you might have a Category for Books, or Book Reviews.

That way, any one who’s interested in the broad topic of “books” finds your posts easily. But because those categories have thousands of posts a day, they cycle through pretty quickly. They may get your post immediate attention, but in the long run, categories are great for blog organization.

Tags should be more specific. For example, I use “Book Review” as a category, and then “poetry review,” “books of 2018,” and “netgalley review” as my tags. Tags give your blog more long-term exposure; there will be new posts under “book review” every day, but because “poetry review” is more specific, you can still see my poetry review from over a week ago.

At the end of the day, Categories should be used for things your blog is about (books, book reviews, etc) whereas Tags should be used for things that the post specifically is about (poetry review, NetGalley review, book advice, etc).

Thanks for reading! I hope that clears up any confusion between the two!
