When You Can Expect Posts

This is a general idea of when I’ll post things, but it all depends on how crazy (or not) my life gets. Some weeks I may post less, other I may post more.

Book reviews are posted by Monday or Tuesday of each week. It gives me the whole weekend to get all cozy with a book without making me feel like I’m ignoring the things I’m supposed to be doing.

I’ll do a feature post once a week, but the day it’s posted will change based on the feature. If I do a tag or award post, it’ll be the feature for that week.

Fridays are discussion post days! Since I tend to do most of my reading over the weekend, it gives me the whole week to work out my thoughts on a book, see everyone else’s amazing posts, and decide what exactly I want to talk about that week.

I hope you enjoy what you find here on Ryann the Reader, and if there’s something you feel I should add to my regular posting schedule, head over to my contact page and let me know!


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