5 Hyped Books/Series I Have No Intention of Reading (or Finishing)

Happy Friday everyone! I know I’ve been kind of quiet this week; my life got a little interesting and everyone and their mother was asking me for favors. But hopefully, I can get everything done over the weekend, and I’ll be back in full force again next week!

Last night, a friend and I took a “quick” trip to the bookstore do quick bookstore trips even exist? And as we were just strolling through the shelves, I saw a whole bunch of really hyped books, books I’d been hearing about for months or even years, and there were quite a few that I thought, “I am just never going to read that.”

So without any further ado, here are 5 hyped books that I have no intention of reading. also please don’t hate me

1- The Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare


I have heard people rave about this series for years! And I’m sorry, but I will just never read this series. First off, every time I read the synopsis for the first book, there’s nothing that really grabs my attention. On top of that, the series is soooo long. That’s asking for a lot of commitment from me when I’m not even really hooked by the synopsis.

2- The Red Queen series by Victoria Aveyard

Red queen

So, I’ve read the first two books in this series. I enjoyed the first one, I didn’t think it deserved anywhere near as much love as it seemed to get, but it kept me entertained and reading until the end. But I HATED the second book. I had to force myself through it. Mare went from being a protagonist who I thought was a little whiny but someone I could root for, to someone who I just could not stand. Plus, I thought the writing for the second book was much worse than the first, and the book could have easily been half as long as it was. So, long story short, I have no intention of finishing this series.

3- Shatter Me series by Tahereh Mafi

shatter me series

I’ve heard a lot of good things about this series, and I do think it’s one I could enjoy. But every time I’ve been at the bookstore or in a library and held this book in  my hands, something always stops me from bringing it home. In the future, this may change, but as of right now, I’ve just accepted the fact that this one is not on my TBR radar.

4- Warcross by Marie Lu


So, out of all her books, I’ve only read The Young Elites, but I really didn’t enjoy it. I had a lot of problems with the characters and the choices that were made. I didn’t even bother trying to read the rest of the series. And, while Warcross sounds like a book I might actually enjoy, I thought the same thing about The Young Elites, so I doubt I’ll ever read Warcross.

5- John Green’s books

John Green Books

I have nothing against John Green as a person, and I certainly don’t begrudge him for his popularity. But I cannot stand his books! I read Looking for Alaska, and I had to force myself through it. I couldn’t stand any of the characters (particularly Alaska herself), and since his books are so character-driven, there wasn’t really anything else in it for me. I got part-way through The Fault in Our Stars, but I hated Hazel Grace. So after the “big incident,” I just walked away from the book, and had absolutely no desire to pick it back up. I think it just comes down to the fact that his books are so character-driven, and I have yet to read one character of his that I actually connect with. (Although, I’ve heard good things about Turtles All the Way Down, so maybe, MAYBE, I might give his books another go).

Let's Talk

Thanks for reading!

Are there any hyped books you have no intention of reading? Do you want to try to convince me to give any of these a chance? Are you mad at me for putting your favorite series/book/author on this list? Let me know in the comments below!


31 thoughts on “5 Hyped Books/Series I Have No Intention of Reading (or Finishing)

  1. I totally agree about The Mortal Instrument series. It is just so long and based on what I know, a lot of stuff happens and I would be completely confused. I would just not know what in the world is happening.

    That being said, as I will never, ever, read the series, I watch TV Show based on the series and that is the only place they’ll get my support. That is it.

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    • The length is my problem, too, I think. Like, I barely have the time to read the books I reeeallly want to read, so I don’t really want to spend the time to read one that doesn’t really appeal to me. Not to mention with that many books, that’s a lot of money that my wallet just can’t handle!


  2. The Mortal Instruments is on my tbr and I do want to get to them at some point but I’m not actually sure if I ever will, just because they aren’t screaming at me to read them? Every time I go to buy the first book something always stops me (a bit like you said with the Shatter Me series). Also, it’s a long series so it feels like a big commitment haha. I read Red Queen a long time ago and I thought it was okay, but I’m not that bothered about reading the rest of the series if I’m honest.

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  3. I’m also on the anti-John-Green wagon! Everyone I met in high school thought he was the coolest thing ever (I graduated in 2012, to date myself), but after forcing myself through “Looking for Alaska,” I just couldn’t take any more. (I hated “Perks of Being a Wallflower, too, but I know that isn’t JG.) My sister read a few of his books, and I know she’s got TFIOS on her bookshelf, but even she couldn’t stand the book. (And honestly, are you surprised at how the book ends?! It says in the synopsis, “At a terminal cancer support group…” Like what were you expecting?!?!) Also, one of my managers when I worked at the bookstore went to high school with John Green, and said he was the most conceited and self-centered person ever, and was very unlikable as a person, so maybe that’s also tinted my view of him?

    I started off liking Cassandra Clare, but she took what should’ve been a good thing and turned it into something way too long and overdone. I liked her Infernal Devices series (Clockwork Angel/Prince/Princess), but after the third City book, I put them down. I’ve got three of them sitting unread on my shelf because I went out and bought all of them from the Clearance section at BAM.

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  4. I’ve read the first book in the Shatter series and although I found it ok, I am pretty much decided that I’m not going to read the rest (I’m pretty sure there’s a love triangle and that is just a complete no go area for me! 😂😂) John Green is a really interesting one because I absolutely love him even though his books are very hit and miss. I disliked Looking for Alaska and Paper Towns, quite enjoyed An Abundance of Katherine’s and Will Grayson, Will Grayson and absolutely loved TFIOS and Turtles All the Way Down! Like I said I love John Green so I might be just a smidge biased but Turtles All the Way Down is amazing and I feel like it’s quite different from other John Green books (some of the things that annoyed me in other John Green books and other books in general are got rid of) so I might suggest giving that a go sometime! 🙂

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  5. I totally agree with the Mortal Instruments and Red Queen series. Neither of then really intrigued me to read them. I’ve read the first book in the Shatter Me series and thought it was amazing, but it’s been years and I’ve never read any of the other books, so I’m not sure if I ever will. I’ve only read one John Green book, Paper Towns, and I thought it was alright nothing great though.

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  6. I am soooooo with you with John Green! I read the fault in our stars and loved it! I loved it so much I went out and bought the rest of his books. Bad move because I HATED them!!! They were awful, the plot was blurred and his characters were jerks 😂 I don’t have anything against him as a person like you said BUT, his books just aren’t for me!


  7. YES. I stopped reading Cassndra Clare and John Green’s books too for the same reason. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one who feels that way about them. Thanks for sharing and, as always, fabulous choices! ❤

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  8. It’s really interesting to have your intake on why you won’t read or finish these. John Green aside (and I did not like Looking for Alaska) I’ve read and loved all the others. Now as far as red Queen is concerned I share your opinion on the second book! Rest assured that the third is way better and Mare less annoying really. As far as Cassandra Clare is concerned I can understand why you don’t want to commit yourself but it truly is a fantastic series even if The Dark Artifices is the best as far as I’m concerned. Kudos for expressing your unpopular opinion LOL

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    • Maybe I’ll give the third Red Queen book another shot. Maybe.

      And everyone keeps telling me that Cassandra Clare’s books are awesome. I don’t know why, but I’m just not drawn to them at all.


  9. I’m still on the fence about the Red Queen series, I’ve head a lot of people day that the third makes up for book two, I think it’s something I might consider when all of the books are out.
    As for Shatter Me, I read the first three books and all of the novella’s and their really good, but now there will be three more books starting with Restore me, I’m not sure how I feel about that. I decided that I will wait and see what people think before I make my decision.

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    • The third Red Queen book has been on my shelf for ages, I just haven’t been able to bring myself to read it.

      I’ve heard a lot of people say the first three Shatter Me books are really good, I think I might read it eventually. I hope the next three books are just as good!

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  10. So, the Mortal Instruments is rather long. I haven’t read it, and don’t really want to. But the Infernal Devices is really good. Not too long, and you get to experience the Shadowhunter world with some fantastic characters.
    And I’ve never really wanted to read the Red Queen series. it just doesn’t grab me.
    And John Green’s books are kind of too Hallmark like for my taste. Turtles all the Way Down does look good, so I might try that one out.

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  11. I definitely agree with you about The Mortal Instruments! Nothing about it grabs me and I currently have no intention to read it (even though my friends are BEGGING me to!). I also don’t plan on continuing the Red Queen series due to boredom. Great post!💗

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  12. I totally agree with you on John Green. He seems like a cool guy and a lot of people clearly get something from his books but they are just not for me at all. I’ve read three of his books and didnt like any of them, so there is no chance ill ever go back to this author.

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