Monthly Wrap-Up- October 2017

Happy November awesome people! I hope you all had a fun and exciting Halloween!

I’m running into a bit of a problem here; there are all these awesome bookstagrammers who host amazing monthly challenges, and I love taking part! But, in November, they’re all fall-themed. I love fall, and I want all the fall-themed photos, but as of last week, where I live no longer looks like fall. All the leaves were blown off in a storm, everything just looks dead, and we are all waiting for our usual feet upon feet of snow.

So, I’m gonna do my best, but my bookstagram will probably look pretty winter-y for a while.

But before I get too carried away with how excited I am for November and Thanksgiving and brisk, gloomy days, here’s what I got up to during the month of October!

October Reads:

First-Time Reads:


I’m still a little behind on my Goodreads goal, but I have quite a few poetry books to read, which should help me catch up a bit!

Favorite Reads:

The Bear and the Nightingale

I ADORED this book! I read it in one sitting (you can read more in my review), but now I’ve run into the age-old conundrum: I loved this book so much, I just can’t see how the sequel could ever live up to it! But I have no doubt Ms. Arden has some tricks up her sleeve!

August Posts:



I feel so bad that I only posted one discussion this month, but I got serious writer’s block every time I sat down to do it. So, the only discussion I managed this month was:

Tags and Awards:

Upcoming Reads:

Here’s the thing: I’m really bad at sticking to TBR plans. I say I’ll read a book this month, and then not get around to it for another year. So this list is very tentative, but I hope to get to these books during November:

Updates on the Reader:

Not much is happening with me. I think the most exciting thing that happened to me during October was that I finally figured out how I want my bullet journal to look (you’ll catch a few sneak peaks if you follow my Instagram).

The only other thing worth mentioning is that I’ve hit a huuuge book hangover. I’ve read five amazing books right in a row (Six of CrowsCrooked KingdomLanguage of ThornsThe Bear and the Nightingale, and the chaos of longing) so now ‘m having such a hard time trying to figure out what to read next!

Thanks for reading!

How was your October? Did anything interesting happen? Would you want to see a couple blog posts featuring my bullet journal? Do you have any suggestions for what I should read to get out of this hangover? Let me know in the comments below!


18 thoughts on “Monthly Wrap-Up- October 2017

  1. I really want to read The Bear and the Nightingale now! And I just started reading The Chronicles of Narnia this month because the series has been sitting on my shelf collecting dust for years and years. I have read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe before, but I plan on rereading it in order. I would love to see a few bullet journal posts!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Chronicles of Narnia were for me what it seems like Harry Potter is for a lot of people. It’s the series I grew up with and the one I could read probably a thousand times without getting sick of it.

      And I absolutely LOVED The Bear and the Nightingale! It’ll probably end up being my favorite 2017 release!

      I’m thinking I might do a couple Bullet Journal posts later this month 😊

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