Top 5 Tuesday- Characters I’d Team Up With to Rule the World

As if I needed help in ruling the world! And thus does my evil laughter ensue! BWAHAHAHA!

In all seriousness, though, I have been super excited for this topic! I’m pretty sure I’ve said that for every Tuesday this month, but what can I say? Shanah @ BionicBookworm had some great September Top 5 Topics!

So, without any further ado, the 5 characters I’d rule the world with!

#5- Leliana from Dragon Age: Inquisition


So she’s from a video game and not a book, okay? You can fight me if you want, but Leliana is cunning, ruthless, and will do absolutely ANYTHING she deems necessary to the success of what she believes in. Which sometimes includes kidnapping, assassination, and poison…

#4-Azriel from A Court of Mist and Fury


If I’m going to rule the world, I’ll want someone on my team who CAN LITERALLY CONTROL THE SHADOWS! I mean, that’s good for info-gathering and just straight-up intimidation. Plus, Azriel is a cutie and a mostly good person.

#3-Manon Blackbeak from Empire of Storms


Manon is an all-around BAMF who is stealthy and cunning enough to be a spy, but powerful and ruthless enough to be on the front lines of a fight if I need her. Plus, she very secretly wants to be a good person sshhhhh. And, perhaps most importantly, she comes with Abraxos!!

#2-Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo


If you’ve read this book, it should probably come as no surprise that I want Kaz on my team. Ruthless, clever, and more than willing to get his hands dirty (lol), I think he’d be a great addition to my team.

#1-Inej Ghafa, also from the Six of Crows duology


Because, HOLY CANNOLI SOMEONE ON THIS TEAM HAS TO BE GOOD AND PURE!! (Also, I think Azriel and Inej would be good friends so…. yeah) But Inej is clever, witty, and has a faith in people that I think is really lacking from the rest of my team here, so she absolutely comes in at the #1 slot.

I think my choice in world-ruling companions says a lot about me, but please don’t judge me too harshly. I just would rather rule with an iron fist from the shadows where no one would be able to actually come at me because it’s all done in secret and shadows. Is that really too much to ask?

That’s it for this week’s Top 5 Tuesday! Thanks for reading, and don’t forget to check out Shanah’s Top 5 Post!

What do you think about my team choices? Is there anyone you think doesn’t belong? Or maybe you would have added someone else? Let me know in the comments below!


22 thoughts on “Top 5 Tuesday- Characters I’d Team Up With to Rule the World

  1. I can’t tell you how much I love this list!! I considered adding Azriel to my list as well. He’s my favourite of the night court crew. Cas is ok, but he’s no Az! And Manon on this list too!!! She’s so fierce!! And the control of the wyverns….. you have an amazing crew – hope we are both on the same team lol!
    Thanks again for participating! Adding you to the list 🙂

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