The Book Fests Award


Many thanks to the amazing Book Bum for tagging me for this award (seriously, she’s awesome, you should definitely check out her blog)! Let’s get right to it!

The Rules:
  • It’s always proper and the right thing to do, when you receive something from someone, you thank them. It’s the same with this award. You can link the blogger who presents the award blog in the post you use to fulfill the requirements of the award.
  • Answer the award questions that will be listed below.
  • Write a Fifty Word Story, because it’s fun.
  • Award five or more bloggers with this Award.
  • Ask them a question of your making, you’ll like them to answer.
  • Put up the award image badge on your blog via image widget.

The Award Questions:

A book you started, never finished, but want to finish. What stopped you from continuing to read it?

I guess the only one I can think of is Black by Ted Dekker. It’s part of a four-book series that, according to the description, is circular. So, you can read Book 0, 1, 2, then 3; or you can read Book 1, 2, 3, then 0, and it will still make sense. At least, that’s what the synopsis tells me. I couldn’t finish it (yet) because there was a little too much going on for my taste. I got like 6 chapters in, and each chapter jumps between the real world and the dream world, though it’s hard to tell which is which. It’s a very fast-paced book that I think I’ll have to read all in one go, and I just haven’t had the time to do that. But I do want to finish it because the idea of a circular series fascinates me!

What elements attract you to a book, which makes you need to read it?

I won’t lie, I am a huge proponent of judging books by their covers. That’s a big part of why the cover is there: to be judged and draw interest. Of course, the synopsis also comes into play; if I’m going to spend money on a book, I need to at least have an inkling that I’ll like it. I also have several reader friends, so if I’m on the fence about something, I’ll also ask them or look up reviews of the book.

Which do you prefer: e-copies or hard copies?

I’d probably have to go with hard copies; there’s just something about having the physical thing that just can’t be beat. But I do love e-copies, too! They’re easier to keep track of, won’t get messy/destroyed, and are way easier to travel with!

What book are you currently reading, or going to read?



They’re both pretty good so far! Full reviews to come

Is it fair to judge a book by its film?

HELL. NO. For those of you who have read my Why page, or even if you read my latest book tag post, you will probably know that I LOVE Narnia. I doubt I will ever find a series as much as I love The Chronicles of Narnia (it’s amazing, but, to be fair, it also has sentimentality and nostalgia on its side). Let’s talk about the (new) Narnia movie adaptations for a second. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: Hands down, one of the BEST book-to-movie conversions I have ever seen. I left the theatre with a tear in my eye because of how well-done it was. Now let’s skip to The Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Guys, I kid you not, I cried after seeing this movie because it was SO. BAD. We went from the best Book-to-Movie, to one of the worst I have ever seen. Which wrecked me because TVotDT was my second favorite book from my all time favorite series! So, no, you can’t judge books by their films. Rant over.

What book did you badly judge by its cover and end up loving?

Okay, so the one I judged badly was The Dirt Eaters by Dennis Foon. I read it years and years and years ago (I think I was in 3rd grade?), so I barely even remember what it’s about, but I remember enjoying it! The thing I remember most about it was, in fact, the cover. Here’s the thing: that Goodreads link is going to show you a much nicer cover than the copy I had. The one I had was paperback, all white, front and back, except for a little smudge of dirt on the front cover beneath the title that I was only 80% sure was there by design. So here I was, with a possibly dirty book, but little third grade Ryann was super intrigued by a book called The Dirt Eaters, so I read it any way.

Which book character have you felt the most kin with and able to relate to?

This one’s a toughie. I’d probably have to go with Lucy from The Chronicles of Narnia (I know, I know, try to contain your surprise). She has such a wonder and fascination with the world around her that I share, and we are both fiercely protective of the people in our lives. She has a deep compassion for people, but rarely let’s that compassion be taken advantage of. I also like to think I share her bravery when faced with conflicts and situations I don’t always know how to handle.

BookBum’s Question:

What one book do you think should be on all school’s English curriculum?

1984. Without a doubt. I loved this book when I read it, because of all its weight and double meanings and subtle (and not-so-subtle) nuances. So much of what it explores is so relevant to our government and society, I could go on and on about this book forever, but I’ll keep it to two things: First, it’s a book which, in the best possible way, makes you go, “What the HELL did I just read? And how is it that I could relate to this book?” Second, I will never, ever, forget that last sentence.

My 50 Word Story:

“I know I promised I wouldn’t cry on your birthday; I guess you’ll have to forgive me for that, too.” She laid out a blanket, lit the cupcake’s “6!” candle, and, sitting, crushed the dead leaves. “Happy Birthday, sweetheart,” she whispered, tying the blue foil balloon to the foot of her son’s tombstone.

(Is it obvious that I do more reading than writing?)

I’m Nominating:

 Jess@Beaucoup Books / Nicole@What a Difference a Word Makes / Payton@Payton’s Book ThoughtsSophie@Blame it on Chocolate

My question is:

What’s the first book you can remember that got you really excited about reading and why?

Thanks for powering through my book-nerding! I’d love to know: What are some of your favorite, or least favorite, book to movie adaptations? What book got you really excited about reading? Or, feel free to write your own 50-word story in the comments below!


15 thoughts on “The Book Fests Award

  1. Congratulations on your award!
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  2. Congratulations on the award, Ryann! ❤ And thank you so much for nominating me ^^
    Your book adventures make me laugh as they're so relatable hahaha
    I think we all judge books by their covers and plots first, unless they're recommendations or something like that. A bad habit, but one that's tough to break.
    I haven't read The Chronicles of Narnia yet and can barely remember the movies, but I understand you completely. There were times when I just felt so incredibly depressed to see a beloved book torn to shreds on screen in no less than five minutes. Unfortunately, it happens :/
    Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Sophie!! I can’t wait to see your post!!

      And the book-to-movie struggle is so tough to deal with! Especially if (like TVotDT) the book was already so real and cinematic, and you’re just left to wonder why they made any changes in the first place!


      • Thank you! I’m really looking forward to it! I just have so many tags to catch up…
        Sometimes creative decisions can be tough and there’re a lot of factors in place. Still, it’s a big blow for the fans and I wish they’d have that into more consideration :/
        Thanks once again! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

    • I love 1984! It took me a couple tries (and a school deadline) to actually get through it, but once I did, it immediately went to the fave shelf!

      And I don’t know why, but anytime someone asks me to write a story for school or something, all I can come up with are sad stories.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. A circular series sound mind-boggling. I’m intrigued! I try not to judge books by their films too- it’s so hard to compare them, especially if the script was written by someone else entirely. I try to read the book first as much as possible so that if the film is bad it doesn’t put me off! I haven’t watch newer The Voyager of the Dawn Treader film, but I remember watching the older version when I was a child and being terrified of the dragon!


    • The circular idea is exactly what made me pick it up in the first place! I just wish I wasn’t having such a hard time getting through it!

      And I remember loving the older Narnia movies when I was little! I hadn’t read the books yet, but little five-year-old me was so amused by a grown man in a giant beaver costume.

      Liked by 1 person

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